Learning Radio

Parveen Sharma


Learning Radio is a unique initiative to pioneer EduPodcasts in the world. Engaging students in the mission to develop EduSoMedia, PodMOOCs and Skillgogy is the primary accomplishment because we ha . . . View More

About Me


COM 225 Public Speaking - Understanding Rhetoric: History, Devices, and Examples

16/02/25 | 00:11:59

COM 263 Intercultural Communication - What do we Study in the Books (Content Page)

26/01/25 | 00:19:28

Learning Townhall Podcast about Job Interviews - American University of Technology, Tashkent

20/01/25 | 00:22:04

Learning Townhall at AUT Podcast on Resume and CV with Students

18/01/25 | 00:18:06

Public Speaking Learners in Winter Camp at American University of Technology Tashkent

08/01/25 | 00:16:02

Preamble to the Constitution of Uzbekistan: For the People of Uzbekistan

05/12/24 | 00:01:43

Ep20 - How to Introduce Yourself in Intrerview and Meetings (Communication Skills Lessons by Parveen Sharma - Learning Radio Podcast)

10/06/24 | 00:13:44

मिलेट्स: भारत का वैश्विक अभियान - Millets: India’s Global Mission - National Award Winner in AICEeCC 2023-24

05/06/24 | 00:13:07

Ep19 - Digital Literacy and Social Media (Communication Skills Lessons by Parveen Sharma - Learning Radio Podcast)

09/03/24 | 00:31:22

Ep18 - Report Writing - Format (Communication Skills Lessons by Parveen Sharma - Learning Radio Podcast)

29/02/24 | 00:18:13

Ep17 - Workplace Communication Modes (Communication Skills Lessons by Parveen Sharma - Learning Radio Podcast)

29/02/24 | 00:20:01

Ep16 - Writing Skills {Pre-Writing, Writing & Post Writing} (Communication Skills Lessons by Parveen Sharma - Learning Radio Podcast)

29/02/24 | 00:18:44



COM 225 Public Speak...